About This Blog

Acoustic Guitar

What Is This Blog About?

In a nutshell: the art of songwriting.
Our mission is to help you get your unfinished songs out of your drawer, so they can finally be heard and appreciated.
Whether you need some theory foundation, practical advice, or just a bit of inspiration, you're in the right place!

Open book

How To Navigate This Blog

You can browse our articles either by collection or date.
Get Inspired is a collection of articles with songwriting tips and tricks inspired by some great artists.
Songwriting Skills presents more "technical" articles to help you deal with song structure, music theory, and more.
Lastly, General Advice offers some tips on how to work as an independent artist.

Nicole Stella

About The Founder

With a careful balance between acoustic music and rock, warmth and grit, Nicole Stella constantly challenges her artistic identity and her songwriting.
From folk to rock, from pop to blues, any song she writes is an authentic portrayal of life as an independent artist, or an honest meditation on life, freedom, and other challenging topics.
She is now working on some new music and her course All I Know About Songwriting.