About Us and Contact Information

This Website is run by Nicole Stella (“I” or “we”), an independent singer and songwriter and a registered business under the Italian law (P. IVA: 02657890030, REA VB - 300708). It is designed to offer some advice to aspiring songwriters. The opinions expressed in the content of this website reflect Nicole Stella's personal views only. For inquiries about this policy, you can contact Nicole Stella at info@nicolestella.com or at the certified email address nicolestella@pec.it.

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Privacy Policy

Introduction and applicability

By accessing, viewing, and using this Website, you may provide us with certain data and information, either automatically or by actively interacting with some features. This privacy policy explains how Nicole Stella, the owner of this Website, uses the personal data collected from you during your navigation. The following policy applies to whoever accesses, views, or uses the Website. Please note: this Website is not intended for people under eighteen (18). No one under the age of 18 shall provide personal information to us and/or through this website.

Data collected
  • Mailing List(s)

    You can subscribe to our Mailing List(s) for free, by simply indicating your First Name and Email Address in the dedicated form(s). Upon subscription, you may receive free content, periodical offers, news, and updates. Nicole Stella will never sell, rent, or share your Name or Email Address with any third parties unless required by law. However, we do share your First Name and Email Address with our third-party email provider, ConvertKit, with the only purpose of delivering our emails. For more information on ConvertKit’s Privacy Policy, please refer to their website. If you are receiving unwanted communications from us, you can cancel your subscription by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of our emails. If you experience any issues in the process, you can get in touch with us at info@nicolestella.com. You may also employ your “Right To Be Forgotten”, as per the GDPR regulation, by communicating at info@nicolestella.com your First Name, Last Name, and the Email Address you used to subscribe to the Mailing List.

  • Purchasing

    By purchasing Nicole Stella’s services or products as showcased on this Website, you may provide additional personal and financial information required to process those transactions. We will never sell, rent, or share this information with any third parties, unless required by law, and with the exception of third-party platforms necessary to fulfill the transactions (as described below). You can always refuse to communicate this kind of information, noting, however, that this could prevent you from purchasing a service or product. By submitting an order through this Website, you declare that the information you provide in connection with such order is true and accurate, and that you are an authorized user of the payment method provided. We may use third-party platforms to deliver the products or services ordered, such as, but not limited to, ConvertKit and Teachable. Please note: you are only allowed to purchase products and services from this Website if you are of legal age to do so.


The security of your personal information is our main concern, but unfortunately, no method of storage nor transaction is 100% secure, over the Internet. While we cannot guarantee absolute security, we employ the following tools to protect your personal information: the Website is served over HTTPS/SSL secure protocol; the third-party platforms used to deliver the newsletters, the digital products, and the merchandise items, guarantee a high level of security. Please refer to ConvertKit terms for more information.

Links to external sites

This website contains links to external websites and embedded content from external platforms. By clicking on a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party’s site. The privacy policy presented here applies only to this Website. This policy does not apply to those sites, as we have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites, products, or services.

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